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Utilities for fast interpolation of spectra.



    file: str,
) -> tuple[list[tuple[str, float, float]], NDArray]

Load HDF5 file.

Read data from an HDF5 file and use it for interpolation of the spectrum. The file must have the following data sets:

parameter_names: array of strings giving the names of the parameters in order. The last parameter must be the gravitational wave frequency f. Each parameter name: array giving start and step values.

spectrum: array indexed by parameters in order, giving omega_GW for these parameters.


TYPE: str

tuple(list[tuple[str, float, float]], NDArray)

Returns info: list of (name, start, step) and multidimensional array of data points

Source code in src/ptarcade/
def load_data(file: str) -> tuple[list[tuple[str, float, float]], NDArray]:
    """Load HDF5 file.

    Read data from an HDF5 file and use it for interpolation of the spectrum.
    The file must have the following data sets:

    `parameter_names`: array of strings giving the names of the parameters in order.
    The last parameter must be the gravitational wave frequency `f`.
    Each parameter name: array giving start and step values.

    `spectrum`: array indexed by parameters in order, giving omega_GW for these parameters.

    file : str

    tuple(list[tuple[str, float, float]], NDArray)
        Returns info: list of (name, start, step) and multidimensional array of data points

    with h5py.File(file) as h5:
        info = [(par, h5[par][0], h5[par][1]) for par in h5['parameter_names'].asstr()]
        spectrum = np.array(h5['spectrum'])
        return (info, spectrum)


    info: list[tuple[float, float, array_like]],
    data: NDArray,
) -> NDArray

Do interpolation.

Called with info: list of (start, step, value) and multidimensional array of data points. Multiple values (in an np.array) are OK for the last value, but not earlier ones or else we will get confusion about array indexes.


list of (start, step, value)

TYPE: list[tuple[float, float, float]]


Multidimensional array of data points. Multiple values (in an np.array) are OK for the last value, but not earlier ones or else we will get confusion about array indexes.



Interpolated values

Source code in src/ptarcade/
def interp(info: list[tuple[float, float, array_like]], data: NDArray) -> NDArray:
    """Do interpolation.

    Called with info: list of (start, step, value) and multidimensional array of data points. Multiple values
    (in an np.array) are OK for the last value, but not earlier ones or else we will get confusion about
    array indexes.

    info : list[tuple[float, float, float]]
        list of (start, step, value)
    data : NDArray
        Multidimensional array of data points. Multiple values (in an np.array) are OK for the last value, but
        not earlier ones or else we will get confusion about array indexes.

        Interpolated values

    if len(info) == 0:       # Nothing to do: just return element
        return data
    x0, dx, x = info[0]
    # This function exploits single integer vs array of integer indexing.
    # Ceffyl returns an array, even if it only contains a single element.
    # Enterprise doesn't experience this issue.
    # The type of `x` below can change the type of `index` s.t. it breaks
    # this function (i.e. `index` will become [3] instead of just 3).
    # So, here we cast all single element arrays `x` to their
    # scalar representations.
    # We use getattr as a quick test for the type (if it's not an
    # array it won't have the attribute) and to get the shape
    # if it is an array.
    # There is probably a much more intelligent way to solve this issue
    if getattr(x, "shape", None)==(1,):
        x = x.item() # type: ignore
    (fract, index) = np.modf((x - x0) / dx) # type: ignore
    index = index.astype(int)
    # Call ourselves to interpolate over remaining variables if any
    # then combine results linearly
    return (interp(info[1:], data[index]) * (1-fract)
            + interp(info[1:], data[index+1]) * fract)


reformat(infile: str, outfile: str) -> None

Convert an old-style file to our HDF5 format.


The input file.

TYPE: str


The output file where the reformatted infile will be saved.

TYPE: str


Raised if frequency is not last parameter


No explicit return value. The function creates outfile


The old-style has a header giving the parameter names including spectrum, then on each line the parameter values and the resulting omega_GW. The last parameter must vary fastest, and for each earlier parameter, the later parameters must go through precisely the same values. The values must be evenly spaced and in ascending order. There is no error checking in this code!

Source code in src/ptarcade/
def reformat(infile: str, outfile: str) -> None:
    """Convert an old-style file to our HDF5 format.

    infile : str
        The input file.
    outfile : str
        The output file where the reformatted `infile` will be saved.

        Raised if frequency is not last parameter

        No explicit return value. The function creates `outfile`

    The old-style has a header giving the parameter names including `spectrum`,
    then on each line the parameter values and the resulting omega_GW. The
    last parameter must vary fastest, and for each earlier parameter,
    the later parameters must go through precisely the same values. The values
    must be evenly spaced and in ascending order. There is no error checking
    in this code!

    par_names = np.loadtxt(infile, max_rows=1, dtype='str') # Parameter names
    data = np.loadtxt(infile, skiprows=1)
    spec_col = np.where(par_names=='spectrum')[0] # Index of spectrum
    spectrum = data.T[spec_col]              # List of data
    data = np.delete(data, spec_col, axis=1)      # Remove data
    par_names = np.delete(par_names, spec_col)    # and 'spectrum'
    shape = np.zeros(len(par_names))              # This will be shape of data array
    with h5py.File(outfile,'w') as out:
        out.create_dataset("parameter_names", data=par_names.tolist())
        for idx, par in enumerate(par_names):
            if par == 'f' and idx != len(par_names)-1:
                raise Exception("f field should have been last") # Otherwise interp can't do multiple probes
            values = np.sort(np.unique(data.T[idx]))
            dataset = out.create_dataset(par, data=[values[0], values[1]-values[0]]) # Start and step
            shape[idx] = len(values)
        out.create_dataset("spectrum", data=spectrum, shape=shape) # Reshape and write