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If you're familiar with Python, you can install PTArcade with pip or conda, the Python package manager. If not, we recommend using a docker or singularity virtual environment.

With conda (recommended)

We are in the process of submitting PTArcade to the conda-forge-channel

PTArcade is now available on conda-forge! you can install PTArcade using conda by typing in a terminal (1)

  1. See here for conda installation info.
conda install -c conda-forge ptarcade # (1)!
  1. If you want to install PTArcade in a new environment, run
    conda create -n ptarcade -c conda-forge python=3.10 ptarcade

This will install PTArcade and all the required dependencies in a conda environment named ptarcade. PTArcade will download and cache the following PTA datasets at runtime: NANOGrav 12.5-year, NANOGrav 15-year, and IPTA DR2.

With pip

PTArcade is also published as a PyPI package and can be installed with pip, ideally by using a virtual environment. Open up a terminal and install PTArcade with:

pip install ptarcade # (1)!

  1. We suggest to install PTArcade in a virtual environment. You can do so by running
    python3 -m venv <path/to/env>
    source <path/to/env>/bin/activate
    python3 -m pip install ptarcade

This will automatically install compatible versions of all Python dependencies and, as for the conda installation, download the following PTA datasets at runtime: NANOGrav 12.5-year, NANOGrav 15-year, and IPTA DR2.

Non-Python Dependencies

If you choose to install from PyPI, you'll need to get the non-Python dependencies yourself.

  • libstempo needs tempo2. You can install it by typing in a terminal
    curl -sSL | sh
  • sckit-sparse needs suitesparse. You can install it by typing in a terminal

    brew install suite-sparse
    sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev
  • mpi4py needs an MPI implementation. You can install it by typing in a terminal

    brew install open-mpi
    sudo apt install libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin

With docker

The official Docker image is a great way to get up and running in a few minutes, as it comes with all dependencies pre-installed. Open up a terminal and pull the image with:

docker pull ngnewphy/ptarcade:latest

With singularity

A singularity environment with all the necessary dependencies already installed can be downloaded by typing

singularity pull ptarcade.sif docker://ngnewphy/ptarcade:latest
This will create a Singularity image and save it as ptarcade.sif in the current working directory.