Plot utilities

The plot_utils module contains functions that can be used to plot the MCMC chains produced by PTArcade. On this page, we give some examples of the module functionalities. A more detailed discussion can be found on its reference page.


This function can be used to produce trace plots of the chains. For example, let's say that you have a set of chains in ./out/model/. You can produce their trace plots as follows:

from ptarcade import chains_utils as c_utils
from ptarcade import plot_utils as p_utils

params, chain = c_utils.import_chains('./chains/np_model/')

p_utils.plot_chains(chain, params)
This will produce the following:

Image title

By default, plot_chains will only produce trace plots for the user-specified parameters which are common across pulsars, together with the trace plots for the MCMC parameters (likelihood, posterior, and hypermodel index). If you want to produce trace plots for a different subset of the parameters, you can do it by using the params_name argument.


This function can be used to produce posterior plots from MCMC chains:

from ptarcade import chains_utils as c_utils
from ptarcade import plot_utils as p_utils

params, chain = c_utils.import_chains('./chains/np_model/')

p_utils.plot_posteriors([chain], [params])
This will produce the plot below

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For more details on how to control the appearence of this plot see here.