Chains utilities

The chains_utils module contains several functions that can be used to analyze the MCMC chains produced by PTArcade. On this page, we just highlight some of its functionalities. A more detailed discussion of this module can be found in its reference page.


This function can be used to load chains and model parameters of a PTArcade run. Just type

import ptarcade.chains_utils as utils

params, chain = utils.import_chains('path_to_chains_folder')

The import_chains function is particularly useful when you have multiple chains for the same model that you want to merge. In this case, import_chains will do that for you by merging all the chains that are located inside the path that you pass to it. By default, import_chains will also remove the first 25% of each chain before merging. If you want to change the amount of burn-in, you can do so via the burn_frac argument.

Finally, notice that by default, import_chains will only load the part of the chains corresponding to user-specified parameters, the likelihood, the posterior, and the hypermodel index. If you also want to load red noise and eventual DM parameters, you can do that by setting quick_import = False.


This function can be used to compute Bayes factors from runs where mod_sel = True in the configuration file. You can do this as follows:

import ptarcade.chains_utils as utils

params, chain = utils.import_chains('path_to_chains_folder')

bf, bf_err = utils.compute_bf(chain, params)

This will give an estimate for the Bayes factor for the comparison of the user-specified signal against the SMBHB signal and the associated error. By default, the Bayes factor is calculated by dividing the number of points in the chain that fall in the hypermodel bin of the user-specified signal by the number of points falling in the bin of the reference SMBHB model. For a more precise estimate of the Bayes factor and associated error, you can set bootstrap=True. In this case, the Bayes factor and its standard deviation will be derived by using bootstrapping methods.